TAP008: Flight Control Laws



16 Nov 2017 03:15 PM
Hi. Thanks for that fantastic podcast. I have a question, which is not very well discribed in the books and also is not clear to me after listening to this podcast. In alternate law, when Vmo is reduced to 320 Kts does the speedtape actually change to show the barber pole at 320 KTS? Thank you for your kind help and I am looking foward to listen to your podcasts. Kind regards Raju
27 May 2018 01:43 AM
hi guys, i agree with Raju, it is a fantastic podcast..I suggest a downloadable version of this..thanks guys.cheers!
19 Mar 2019 10:01 AM
Dear Mat, Dear Andy, maybe this was changed recently (I’m still rather new on the airbus) but I’ve noted that at least my FCOM (and I believe we have the same one) mentions the +30 degrees pitch attitude protection being applicable also to config 0. Many thanks for all your efforts, this podcast is just gorgeous!!! Cheers Andi
Matthew Asdel
14 Apr 2020 01:08 AM
How do I access the discussions regarding systems failures.

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